Monday, April 25, 2011

Marco Photo Assignment

Assignment Description:
This project focused on adjusting the camera for marco settings; a setting that helps photographers take up-close pictures. These are often photos of flowers or insects, objects that are small and don't turn out well under normal zoom settings. It allows the photographer to get within close proximity of the subject, creating a crisper image.

Best Photo:

This is a photograph of a flower following the conclusion of a rainstorm. I wanted to focus in on the water collected within the petals as well as the water droplet in the upper right area. Using my own camera, I had to be in auto mode in order to get this shot, so I don't know the exact aperture, shutter speed, or ISO settings. I do know however that it was marginally sunny, thus the aperture was larger (number) and the shutter speed was a little slower in order to compensate.

Photo Slide Show:

Because I had to use my own camera with limited settings, I had a difficult time getting the camera to clearly focus in on the subject.  My best photo is admittedly blurry, but clearly displays the water as I wanted it to. I learned that the Macro setting on simple cameras do not produce magazine-quality photos, however they are adequate for everyday use. I also learned how to edit photos within Gimp.

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